WSA collaborate with Save the Children to collect Christmas gift bags for children in poverty
The Welsh Sports Association (WSA) was thrilled to once again work alongside Save the Children, galvanising the sport and leisure sector in Wales to contribute gift bags for children in poverty this Christmas.
While Christmas is a time of celebration and joy, it also brings immense pressure to many families, with mothers, fathers and guardians already having to decide whether to put the heating on or put food on the table.
To alleviate some of this pressure, Save the Children works with schools to identify children most in need in communities across the country, before anonymised emails go out to volunteers who buy presents to fill gift bags for those children.
The WSA is delighted to be able to play a part in this initiative, once again acting as the go-between for Save the Children and the sport and leisure sector in Wales. For the third consecutive year, we have collected generous donations from Welsh sporting NGBs before passing them on to Save the Children for distribution ahead of Christmas.
Last year, our wonderful members donated 20 gift bags, while this year saw the WSA membership act with even more generosity as we collected 30 gift bags.
This is an important contribution to the total number of gift bags received by Save the Children, who have supported over 700 children with this initiative since its inception in 2019.
The WSA would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who contributed their time and money to help those less fortunate. It is hugely appreciated.