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May 03 2023


12:30 pm - 1:00 pm

Describing a Risk – Lunch and Learn CalQRisk Webinar

As part of the WSA’s partnership with CalQRisk – the WSA’s Governance, Risk & Compliance management provider – the WSA will be running a brief online lunch and learn on ‘Describing a Risk’

One of the key things CalQRisk does, is respect the Governance Risk and Compliance work that has been carried out, to date, by WSA member organisations. Most WSA members have developed risk registers and CalQrisk tend to import these as part of the onboarding process when members take on their system. Generally, a risk register is managed on spreadsheets, but one aspect of what CalQRisk see, is the huge variation on how a risk is described.

CalQRisk will run a short lunchtime Teams webinar on “Describing a Risk”. The team rely on the ISO 31000 risk management standard as current best practice.

When describing a risk many people run aspects of the risk together in a long sentence where the Source, the Cause, the Event, and the Consequence are blended. This becomes an unwieldy risk description. Keeping the constituent aspects separate in the thinking about the risk, makes the description more easily understood and often more succinct….

Sign up for free below, to hear more from the team at CalQRisk on ‘Describing a Risk’ – Lunchtime 3rd May 12.30-13.00.

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