ABRS+ join the WSA as Full Members

ABRS+ join the WSA as Full Members

The Welsh Sports Association (WSA) are thrilled to announce the newest arrival to its list of member organisations, the Association of British Riding Schools and Livery Yards (ABRS+).  

The ABRS+ is a registered charity and the UK’s only organisation that focuses solely on supporting, representing and promoting professional proprietors of equestrian premises. 

The goal of the ABRS+ is to inspire, increase knowledge and maintain high standards. This serves all sections of the equestrian public whether they ride for fun or have more serious aspirations such as a career with horses or a competitive business. 

As Full Members, they will now be able to access our full range of advocacy and business support services to enhance the connectivity and engagement with representative bodies in Wales, while also making use of partner offers. 

George Baber, Director of Operations for the ABRS+, said:

“We are really please to be joining the WSA so that we can better serve and support our members in Wales by providing guidance and information tailored to the issues that are most relevant to them.”

For full details on the benefits of membership, click here.

To find out how to become a member, click here.

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