Byw’n Iach WSA Membership Testimonial
Amanda Davies is Managing Director at Byw’n Iach and has given her view on how the Welsh Sports Association (WSA) has aided her organisation since signing up for membership.
Byw’n Iach has benefited from the support of the Welsh Sports Association since the start of the Covid-19 Pandemic.
We weren’t a member at the beginning but having seen the way the WSA stepped up to create forums to bring leisure facility providers and other bodies together, we felt that joining was a way of showing our appreciation and ensuring that the support can continue into the future. The forums have enabled us to share experiences and good practice and also helped us influence and receive information from the Welsh Government.
WSA officers are always ready to respond to queries and search for useful information
Mae Byw’n Iach wedi elwa o gefnogaeth Cymdeithas Chwaraeon Cymru ers cychwyn y cyfnod Covid-19.
Doedden ni ddim yn aelod ar y cychwyn ond o weld y ffordd wnaeth y Gymdeithas gamu fyny i greu fforymau i dynnu darparwyr a chyrff hamdden ynghyd, roedden ni’n teimlo fod ymaelodi’n ffordd o ddangos ein gwerthfawrogiad a sicrhau fod cefnogaeth o’r fath yn medru parhau i’r dyfodol. Mae’r fforymau wedi galluogi ni i rannu profiadau ac arfer da ac hefyd wedi helpu ni dylanwadu a derbyn gwybodaeth gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Mae’r swyddogion wastad yn barod i ymateb i ymholiadau a chwilio am wybodaeth defnyddiol
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