Covid-19 Duty of Care & Compliance Webinars

Whilst the recent relaxation of restrictions on sport and recreation will have come as welcome boost to those in the sector, we are all aware that things will not be ‘back to normal’ for the foreseeable future. Clubs and organisations will need to comply with all the regulations and guidelines that have been necessarily put in place to ensure that the return of sport is safe.

As well ensuring as adherence to social distancing and hygiene during activities, organisations also need to be aware of all the procedural requirements that is expected of them during this period. The WSA have collaborated with IOLIS Legal to offer further guidance to the sporting sector on Duty of Care & Compliance in light of Covid 19.

IOLIS, based in Cardiff, offer expert advice and consultancy on data protection and GDPR, compliance with business regulations and law (specialising in providing these services to the sport sector).

The Covid-19 Duty of Care & Compliance webinars will cover the various legal and practical considerations for organisations returning to sport, particularly those in relation to the collection of data for Wales’ Track, Trace and Protect Service (TTPS).  The course will outline the scope of the TTPS, whilst setting out the responsibilities of organisations and how this relates to all involved in the activities (including staff, volunteers, participants, guardians, and spectators).

As well as focusing on data collection and the TTPS, the training webinar covers areas such as the roles of Covid Officers and Responsible Persons, what the current legal requirements are from the Government, what steps to take to ensure organisations are fully compliant and how to avoid any possible issues of liability.  The training also includes practical examples specific to sport. There will be a Q&A session at the end of each webinar to address any other queries or concerns that haven’t been covered.  

The WSA will be offering open courses to the sector from w/c 27th July.
The next session is scheduled for late September – we will provide a booking form here once the next date is set.

Bespoke webinar sessions for individual organisations can also be booked in advance and will cost WSA members £150 or £300 for non members. Please contact [email protected] for further details.

In addition to this, 30 minute helpline calls to Andrew Brenton at IOLIS Legal can be scheduled should your organisation require further support. The cost of the helpline will be FREE to WSA to members, and will be available at a fee of £150 per hour for any non-members.

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