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Apr 27 2022


11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Becoming an Employer of Choice – Training

This free training session will teach you how to become an employer of choice.

What is an Employer of Choice?

An Employer of Choice is an organisation that goes above and beyond to provide a job that not only pays the bills, but also strives to create a work environment that is enjoyable and engaging!

Why become an Employer of Choice?

Being an Employer of Choice has many advantages: it helps you to attract and retain the best talent, boost productivity, and can create a healthy and enjoyable company culture.

So, how do you become an Employer of Choice?

This training webinar will teach you how to refine your company culture, brand and recruitment strategies in order to improve your organisation and become an employer of choice.

For full information and to book you place, click here.

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