
Dec 05 2024

DSW Cyfres Dysgu | Learning Series – UK Disability Inclusion Training for Coaches and Volunteers

UK Disability Inclusion Training for Coaches and Volunteers

60-minute Online Learning Module

UK Disability Inclusion Training for Coaches and Volunteers (Level 1) – FREE

This FREE e-learning module provides an introduction to inclusive practice in physical activity and sport. This course is self-paced, allowing you to complete it at a time and pace that suits you. For most people, the e-learning takes approximately 1 hour to complete.

Hyfforddiant Cynnwys Anabledd i Hyfforddwyr & Gwirfoddolwyr (Lefel 1) – Cynnwys Digidol

Mae’r modiwl e-ddysgu hwn yn rhoi cyflwyniad i arfer cynhwysol mewn gweithgaredd corfforol a chwaraeon. Dylai’r e-ddysgu hwn gymryd oddeutu 1 awr a gallwch wneud cyn lleied neu gymaint ag y dymunwch mewn un ymweliad.

Manylion bellach / For more information about this workshop, please follow the link below:

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