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May 24 2022


12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Introduction to Social Media with ProMo-Cymru – Newid: digital

With so many different social media platforms out there, knowing the best network for your audience, and tailoring your content for that platform, has never been more important.

In this session, we’ll explore the biggest networks, outlining their different features and user demographics. We’ll then look at some tools that can help to save you time and improve the quality of your content. The 40 minute session will be followed by an open Q&A, where we can discuss all forms of digital marketing, such as email newsletters, websites and graphic design.

This event is part of the Newid: Digital for Trustees series, a programme of inspirational lunchtime talks to support you with progressing digital within your organisation. These events are suitable for all levels with plenty of opportunities to ask questions and share experiences. Whatever your next steps with digital, stride out with confidence with the helpful tools and strategies from our event series.

To find out more, book your place at this event, and discover other courses in the Newid: digital series, click here.

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