The sport and leisure sector in Wales is invited to once again have its say as part of the Wales Strategic Volunteering Project.


Feb 20 2025


10:00 am - 11:30 am

National Sport Diversity Forum | Fforwm Amrywiaeth Chwaraeon Cenedlaethol

National Sport Diversity Forum | Fforwm Amrywiaeth Chwaraeon Cenedlaethol

Please scroll for Welsh

We are excited to announce the relaunch of our National Sport Diversity Forum!

​This platform brings together ethnically diverse community groups and sports sector organisations to share ideas, opportunities, and best practices, and to promote partnerships and collaborative efforts. 

​If you would like to share updates from your organisation or discuss opportunities, please contact me so that I can include you on the agenda. 

​Feel free to share this event with your colleagues and relevant contacts. 

​Confirmed agenda will be sent to all registered guests.

Rydym yn gyffrous i gyhoeddi ail-lansiad ein Fforwm Amrywiaeth Chwaraeon Cenedlaethol!

​Mae’r platfform hwn yn dod â grwpiau cymunedol a mudiadau o’r sector chwaraeon ynghyd i rannu syniadau, cyfleoedd ac arferion gorau, ac i hybu partneriaethau ac ymdrechion i gydweithio. 

​Os hoffech rannu diweddariadau gan eich mudiad neu drafod cyfleoedd, cysylltwch â mi fel y gallaf eich cynnwys ar yr agenda.

​Cofrestrwch yma a rhwydd hynt i chi rannu’r digwyddiad gyda’ch cydweithwyr a chysylltiadau perthnasol.

​Bydd yr agenda yn cael ei hanfon at bob gwestai sydd wedi cofrestru unwaith y bydd wedi’i chadarnhau.

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