How to Keep Your Sport Safe This Winter

How to Keep Your Sport Safe This Winter

As the seasons change and we head into the Winter months, Sport can be one of the main sections of day-to-day life that suffers the most. With unpredictable weather and colder temperatures during darker evenings, greater challenges are presented to keep sport running.

Our partners Watkin Davies have put together the following list of things to look out for to keep your sport as safe as possible this winter: –

Health and Safety

  • Ensure you are aware of all potential health and safety risks and how to deal with them. Make sure all the key people who are going to be involved in club activities are also aware.
  • Check with your sport/activity National Governing Body (NGB) to see if they have any advice or documentation specific to your discipline. 

Playing Surfaces and Walkways

  • Make sure the playing surfaces are fit for purpose prior to playing, frozen pitches can be a real safety hazard.
  • Clear ice, snow, leaves etc. from walkways to minimise the risk of slipping.   
  • Ensure there is adequate lighting throughout the facility, from playing surfaces to car parks, signage and walkways.


  • Prepare for any catering related risks e.g. the use of hot surfaces, making sure staff are trained appropriately.


  • Plan ahead for what to do if there is a sudden change or emergency e.g. extreme bad weather – ensure contingency plans are in place with the appropriate persons trained and aware of their role.
  • Make sure that emergency vehicles can quickly and easily gain access to your venue.
  • Have adequately trained first-aiders available at all times.

Watkin Davies are the appointed insurance partners to the WSA for all risk management and insurance requirements, and work with a large number of our members and clubs.

Follow this link for more information on Watkin Davies.

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