Swim Wales WSA Membership Testimonial

Fergus Feeney, CEO, Swim Wales

“We’re not a WSA member because we have to be, we choose to be and that’s a massive difference.”

Swim Wales has been a member of WSA for over 10 years.

“As an organisation, the value that WSA offers us far outweighs the cost of membership; it’s a small price to pay when you look at how central a voice we have at the table. To be exposed to policies and information so quickly it really does put us on the front foot when engaging with our own members as well as with government officials and external stakeholders alike.

“If the last 12 months (during Covid-19) has taught us anything, it’s the sense of unity and the power of strong leadership demonstrated by Vicky and her team. We needed someone steering the ship during the times of turbulence and WSA members came together and worked collaboratively to find solutions to big issues. That united voice and advocacy for the sector combined with the expertise of the core team has managed to alleviate many of the fears and see positive changes ahead.

“One of the advantages of WSA is the diverse offering of the organisation. To be able to engage with and be at the table alongside organisations like Street Games has been hugely beneficial as we’ve all been able to share ideas, ways of working and ultimately learn from each other.

“I thank the WSA team for being so instrumental in the involvement and engagement of members for the future success of the sector.”

“I no longer need to sell the virtues of WSA to people I speak to; they just get it now.”

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