National Sport Group (NSG)

A new National Sport Group (NSG)

A National Sport Group has been established for the next phase of return to sport & activity. The National Sport Group (NSG) will manage the elite status designation process for a measured and gradual return to competitive group and team sport.

Following the Firebreak lockdown, changes to Welsh Government’s Coronavirus regulations gave Sport Wales the responsibility to consider making further designations to enable more organised team sports to be played outdoors where the 30-person gathering number has been restrictive.

The regulations say this should be done in a controlled and phased way where clear guidance is in place by sport governing bodies to protect all participants. To ensure the proper oversight and governance of this designation process, Sport Wales has established the NSG. This group will be made up of representatives from Sport Wales, the Welsh Sport Association, Commonwealth Games Wales and the Welsh Government.

Applications to the group must be made by the national governing body for that activity. The application process opened on the 19th November 2020 and organisations can find further details here.

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