Promote your own events with WSA membership

Promote your own events with WSA membership

The Welsh Sports Association (WSA) core membership offer, with advocacy and policy as well as business support for those providing a healthier future to Wales at the heart of its mission, doesn’t conclude with the access to that wealth of resources. Alongside our well-documented core membership offer, members can enjoy exclusive access to the Events Submission Form, via which they are able to promote their own calendars to a sector-wide audience!

Much like our Vacancies page, the Events Submission Form is a value-added piece of functionality available to each and every member and is a guarantee of pushing your events to a wider and different audience.

What easier way to let people know what national competitions are going on in your sport or what events your organisation is putting on? What easier way to encourage engagement in your activity and drive audience numbers? And what easier way to potentially facilitate an increase in revenue?

It’s a no-brainer!

And it’s as easy as 1-2-3; to use the Events Submission Form, all you have to do is follow these steps:

  1. Log-in to the membership area of the WSA website
  2. Select ‘My Dashboard’ in the top right of the page
  3. Select ‘Add Event’, which will take you to the page on which you can submit your events

The WSA team will subsequently review your event and put it up in the Events and Courses section of the website!

Please find a short tutorial in English, and subsequently in Welsh, below:

This is a great and easy way of taking full advantage of the support the WSA strive to provide our membership base, and we hope you find the feature useful moving forward!

Visit our Member Benefits page to see the full range of support we can offer.

Check out the Become a Member page of our website if you’re interested in joining.

And to hear what other organisations have said about their experience with the WSA, go to our Membership Testimonials page.

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