Matthew Williams

Head of Policy and Communications

Matthew joined the WSA team just after the start of the pandemic in April 2020.  He is our Head of Policy and Communications and leads on engagement with the Senedd, Welsh Government and other statutory organisations. 

He has brought a wealth of experience and expertise to WSA and is instrumental in the drafting of any consultation responses on behalf of our members which includes replies to Parliamentary and Senedd calls for evidence.  Prior to joining us, Matthew was responsible for managing the Senedd office of Lee Waters MS in his role as Senior Advisor, and before that held policy roles at the Federation of Small Business Wales and in the renewable energy sector.

While he works with members on all political liaison, he also has a keen eye on gathering intelligence on development across the wider Welsh public life that may be of interest to the sector.  He ensures that members’ voices are heard when required while also sharing information of interest to members as quickly as possible.

He works closely with CEO to continually outline the WSA’s commitment on behalf of the sector to overcome challenges and look at future opportunities. It is his role to ensure that there continues to be strong engagement with Welsh Government, Public Health Wales and Sport Wales and utilise the valuable insights and advice that comes into the organisation.

Matthew is a Welsh speaker, a keen racing cyclist, and has previously chaired one of Wales’ largest cycling clubs (Cardiff Ajax Cycling Club).

“With a keen interest in developing our relationship within the education and research institutions, I’m particularly interested in sustainability and community development/empowerment as well as how we use urban space creatively to facilitate people’s engagement in physical activity.”

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