WSA to Fly the Flag for Welsh Sport at Wales Week in London 2018

The Welsh Sports Association (WSA) is looking to highlight the positive impact of Welsh Sport during Wales Week in London 2018, the annual celebration of Wales which kicks off on February 24th.

Established in 2017, Wales Week in London is a coordinated series of events around St David’s Day which galvanises, showcases and leverages existing Welsh communities within London and celebrates the Welsh identity. The WSA is the only sporting partner with Wales Week in London and will be looking to use the event to promote the reciprocal benefits of working with Welsh Sport to the London business sector, such as Board roles and mentoring opportunities.

Victoria Ward, WSA CEO said:

“Wales Week in London is a great opportunity for the WSA to fly the flag for Welsh sport and develop connections with influential London-based executives and potential investors. In promoting our initiatives to improve sector resiliency – which are vital to the future success of sport in Wales – we will be showcasing both the unique power that sport has to improve both economic and social outcomes,  and sport’s worth as a philanthropic cause in itself, rather than just a vehicle for charitable giving.”

For further information about the Wales Week in London calendar of events from 24th February – 10th March, please their website here.


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