WSA partners 2buy2 explain why it’s the perfect time to lock into a new energy contract

WSA partners 2buy2 explain why it’s the perfect time to lock into a new energy contract

Welsh Sports Association (WSA) partners 2buy2, who provide our Members with excellent energy rates and sustainable energy solutions, have explained why now is the time to lock into a new energy contract.

“It’s a good time, given the tactical change in the Ukraine war,” explained 2buy2’s Head of Sales Geraint Williams,

“This morning’s (Monday 18 November) market on the wholesale price for Gas has jumped 5%, and the three-month indicative price is tracking the same. With the Russia – Ukraine conflict, we’re expecting the market to continue to rise over the winter, and if the market follows the same as 2020/2021, when Donald Trump was last made President, the wholesale price for Gas and Power will jump even higher than we’re forecasting currently.

“Our advice,” he continued, “to anyone whose energy contract is due to expire within the next 12-18 months, is to lock yourself into a new contract, for a minimum of two years, to deliver the best value to you as soon as possible.

“The new contract won’t commence until your current contract ends, but you’ll have peace of mind that your new pricing has been secured, which will provide you budget clarity and enable you to plan effectively.”

Through the WSA’s Procurement Portal for Sport and Leisure, which is powered by 2buy2, WSA Members have free access to favourable energy rates among a whole host of other necessities.

The Procurement Portal also gives organisations access to a host of sustainable energy solutions, such as Solar PV and EV charging.

Supporting sustainability targets while simultaneously generating an income stream, be sure to check out the benefits of these solutions!

Learn more about the Procurement Portal here and get free access here!

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