DSW Cyfres Dysgu | Learning Series – Inclusive Marketing for Clubs
Inclusive Marketing for Clubs
Date: Tuesday the 12th of November
Time: 18:30 – 20:00 GMT
he workshop aims to increase knowledge and awareness of best practice around the inclusive marketing of sport and physical activity. The workshop will focus on the following key outcomes;
• Apply inclusive practice into marketing and communication
• An awareness of inclusive communication and how to engage and motivate all individuals
• Identify sources of reliable further information and guidance relevant to accessible formats
This workshop is to support clubs engaged with the insport Club programme. If your club is not currently engaged with the programme but are interested in learning how you can access support in making your club inclusive, find out more here: ttps://www.disabilitysportwales.com/en-gb/programmes/insport/insport-club
Manylion bellach / For more information about this workshop, please follow the link below: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/inclusive-marketing-for-sports-clubs-tickets-1037663217617?aff=oddtdtcreator