The sport and leisure sector in Wales is invited to once again have its say as part of the Wales Strategic Volunteering Project.


May 16 2023


6:00 pm

Non-Executive Director and Senior Leadership Training

The WSA, in support of the GLFW programme, has launched training for Non-Executive Directors and Senior Leaders.

This training is designed for NEDs in a sport & leisure organisation, and useful for those that have been an NED in a different sector.  

The session will take place on Zoom, and over the course of 1.5 hours from 6pm on the 16th May 2023, the course will cover:

  • Board Composition – how to achieve a balanced inclusive and skilled board that can lead your organisation now and in the future
  • Inclusive Leadership – understanding inclusive leadership traits and how to exemplify these as a sports leader.

The course will be delievered by Amanda Bennett. Amanda is Managing Director of FairPlay Ltd and has worked extensively with UK and international sports bodies in the areas of governance, leadership and inclusion. Amanda is author of the Sports Governance Handbook and contributed to the development of the Governance and Leadership Framework for Wales, and the Sports Governance Code.

If possible, it is advised that colleagues are able to complete the Introduction to Sports Governance in Wales online course, as a precursor to the NED training. This course is £20 for WSA members and £25 for non members.

The cost of attending the NED and Senior Leadership Training course will be £40.00 for WSA members and £80.00 for non WSA members.  Please complete the booking form below to hold your place.

Click here for the Booking Terms and Conditions.

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