
Jan 23 2020


10:30 am - 1:00 pm



Theory of Change as a Planning Tool

Theory of Change modelling is increasingly being used to help organisations plan more strategically in complex environments. The aim of this course is to help you better understand the Theory of Change approach to evaluation and to apply the Theory of Change approach to your own organisation’s strategic planning.

Sported, one of the leading Sport for Development charities in the UK, has supported over 150 community groups across the UK to develop their impact practice, through a range of workshops, webinars, online resources and 1:1 support.

This support first enables groups to identify their intended impact, before creating a Theory of Change framework to articulate this.  Groups are then encouraged to shape their strategic and business planning, communications and ‘evaluation framework’ based on this Theory of Change.

Judith Rankin who leads on Sported’s ‘Impact Journey’ programme, is passionate about increasing the capacity of sports leaders to ensure their organisations are sustainable and effective. She will be delivering this three-hour course which will help you to:

  • Better understand the key terminology used in evaluation, and of some important approaches to evaluation and what you aim to achieve.
  • Better understand the unique characteristics of the Theory of Change approach, its key strengths, and how it might be applied to your own work.
  • Increase your confidence in planning and implementing a Theory of Change approach in your own work.
  • Learn about some useful ways of gathering information that can be used to produce robust findings in a Theory of Change evaluation.

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