Healthy and Active Fund (HAF) Launches Across Wales

Welsh Government, Sport Wales and Public Health Wales have come together to deliver the Healthy and Active Fund (HAF) which aims to improve mental and physical health by enabling the adoption of healthy and active lifestyles across Wales.

Phase 1 of the HAF will provide £5million of financial support, over a period of 3 years (April 2019 – March 2022), to projects that strengthen and develop community assets.

Priority will be given to projects that actively promote the reduction of inequality in outcomes for one or more of the following groups:

  • Children and young people
  • People with a disability or long-term illness
  • People who are economically inactive or who live in areas of deprivation
  • Older people and those around the age of retirement from work

Statutory and non-statutory bodies, as well as organisations that have the structure and capacity to deliver the objectives of the HAF are encouraged to apply. Successful applicants will need to demonstrate value for money, along with a clear business case for the continuation of the project beyond initial funding. Clear evidence of partnership working and engagement with the local community in the development of proposals will also be required.

Details of how the HAF will operate, criteria and objectives as well as what we expect to see in applications, will be shared at a series of roadshows across Wales. Details of roadshow locations and how to register can be found at:

Merthyr Tydfil:





Mae Llywodraeth Cymru, Chwaraeon Cymru ac Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru wedi dod ynghyd er mwyn rhoi’r Gronfa Iach ac Egnïol ar waith. Nod y Gronfa yw gwella iechyd meddyliol a chorfforol pobl drwy eu galluogi i fabwysiadu ffyrdd o fyw iach ac egnïol.

Bydd cam cyntaf y Gronfa yn rhoi cymorth ariannol gwerth £5 miliwn, dros gyfnod o 3 blynedd (Ebrill 2019 – Mawrth 2022), i brosiectau sy’n cryfhau ac yn datblygu asedau cymunedol.

Rhoddir blaenoriaeth i brosiectau sy’n mynd ati i leihau anghydraddoldebau o ran canlyniadau ar gyfer un neu ragor o’r grwpiau canlynol:

  • Plant a phobl ifanc
  • Pobl ag anabledd neu salwch hirdymor
  • Pobl sy’n economaidd anweithgar neu sy’n byw mewn ardaloedd difreintiedig
  • Pobl hÅ·n a’r rhai sy’n agos at oedran ymddeol o’r gwaith.

Anogir cyrff statudol ac anstatudol, ynghyd â sefydliadau sydd â’r strwythur a’r gallu i gyflawni amcanion y Gronfa Iach ac Egnïol i ymgeisio.  Bydd angen i ymgeiswyr llwyddiannus ddangos gwerth am arian ynghyd ag achos busnes clir dros barhau â’r prosiect y tu hwnt i’r cyllid cychwynnol. Yn ogystal bydd angen tystiolaeth glir o waith partneriaeth ac ymgysylltu â’r gymuned leol er mwyn datblygu’r cynigion.

Bydd cyfres o sioeau teithiol yn cael eu trefnu ledled Cymru er mwyn i chi gael rhagor o fanylion o ran sut y bydd y Gronfa Iach ac Egnïol yn gweithredu, am feini prawf ac amcanion y gronfa a’r hyn y byddwn yn disgwyl ei weld mewn ceisiadau. I gael manylion am leoliadau’r sioeau teithiol a sut i gofrestru ewch i:

Merthyr Tudful:




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