Latest 21 day review of Coronavirus regulations – WSA Update

Latest 21 day review of Coronavirus regulations – WSA Update

The First Minister has today delivered the results of the latest 21 day review of Coronavirus regulations. There will be no changes to regulations in the short term, however the Welsh Government is stressing some important changes in guidance ahead of Christmas.

The Welsh Government has stressed that the Coronavirus situation remains precarious, and that they currently anticipate a spike in cases in mid-January – the severity of which they’re not yet able to fully assess. The First Minister has said that there will be a further announcement on Coronavirus next week as the Omicron variant’s presence is expected to increase and more information becomes available. The Welsh Government will continue to review the situation on a weekly basis.

From today, the Welsh Government is stressing the need to take the following steps to prepare and minimise the possible impact:

  • The need to be vaccinated and have a booster if eligible.
  • Working from home where possible.
  • The importance of wearing face coverings in indoor public spaces, including bars and restaurants when customers are not eating and drinking.
  • A recommendation to take a lateral flow device test before travelling on public transport, going out and socialising, or participating in group activities (including sport). Lateral flow devices can be ordered here :
  • The continued importance of following self-isolation guidance, available here:

The Welsh Government press release is available in English here and in Welsh here.

The Coronavirus control plan is available here: Coronavirus Control Plan

The WSA will continue to provide support and guidance to the sport & leisure sector in Wales. There’s some resources for organisations, facilities, clubs and individuals to consider here. #Dontdroptheball

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