Sports Volunteer Research Focus Group

Sports Volunteer Research – Focus Group

As communicated in January 2024, a new programme, led by charity Sported with backing from the Welsh Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA) and a coalition of organisations, has been launched to address why the number of people offering up their free time to volunteer at management, committee or board level across all types of organisations has fallen and which in turn has put the community sport sector in Wales under strain.

The project aims to unlock the full capacity and impact of volunteering by identifying needs and finding sustainable solutions.  The 18-month scheme, in which the Welsh Sports Association, Sport Wales, Boys and Girls Clubs of Wales and StreetGames are also partners, plans to build on existing research with fresh insights before producing firm recommendations by early-2025.

The initial survey and its findings are being collated and processed by the research team.  As a project group, we now move into the Workshop/Focus Group phase, which will form part of the insight, which the coalition will utilise to help recommend and or design solutions moving forward.

The research group will run a Sports Volunteer Research Focus Group on the 4th Sep 11.30-12.30 at the National Centre, Sophia Gardens, Cardiff CF11 9SW. The research group encourages anyone in the sector, that works directly and or in-directly with sports volunteers, especially in relation to those volunteers at management, committe or Board level roles, to particpate in the upcoming focus groups.

Lunch will be provided following the session and will dovetail nicely with another WSA member meeting on the 4th September, so hopefully colleagues will be in a position to feed into this crucial research.

To participate in the focus group, please register for FREE here!

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