Updated Welsh Government Regulations

Updated Welsh Government Regulations

The WSA has received a notification from Welsh Government that following last Friday’s announcement by the First Minister, children will be able to travel out of, or into lockdown areas to participate in sport or other activities from 6pm tonight – 16th October 2020.

This change will apply to anyone under the age of 18, and they will be able to be accompanied by one responsible member of their household over the age of 18 if required for transport etc. The WSA has confirmed with Welsh Government that the regulations also allow volunteers & coaches, who are required to facilitate activities for under 18s to travel.

WSA members should still encourage clubs to make provisions that minimise travel across lockdown area boundaries by adults – including utilising alternative locations, and where possible using adult coaches/volunteers from the local area. If this is not practical then adult coaches & volunteers will be able to travel, but only to facilitate activities for under 18s

The changes will apply to sport, as well as other activities such as dance and drama classes. We have provided the latest information including the Updated Welsh Government Regulations – Updated Welsh Government Regulations and the FAQs on what is permitted in local lockdown areas – Local Lockdown FAQ link. We will inform members of any additional information we receive.

If you are a member of the WSA and would like to be added to our Advocacy Groups including the Phased Return to Sport groups, please contact the team via the WSA Contact form.  If you would like to become a WSA member to receive the latest information and support for the sport and leisure industry in Wales, please complete the WSA membership application form, you can also subscibe to the WSA newsletter for News & sector Vacancies.

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