WSA Update on Welsh Government Guidance

WSA Update on Welsh Government Guidance

Following discussions with Welsh Government officials last week around emerging concerns over the use of indoor space and the speed of updates to the guidance, we can confirm that the online guidance was updated to contain the following paragraph:

‘Simultaneous gatherings of individuals and groups up to 30 people are allowed within a large space such as a swimming pool, a gym, or a sports hall, as long as the space allows for physical distancing, with groups and individuals separated and managed safely. This should only be considered where space is sufficient to allow 100sqft per person on land or 3sqm per bather in a pool, as set out in UK Active Guidance, where entry and exit for individuals and groups can be managed, and where the space can be partitioned so individuals and groups do not interact, without limiting the ability to allow appropriate ventilation and control environmental factors such as humidity in each space.’

This confirms the changes that were communicated to WSA members on the 14th September 2020, and enforcement authorities should now reference this paragraph in terms of indoor capacity.

Whilst this will not solve all problems, it may help larger facilities make better use of their space.  We appreciated that many of our members have also asked for similar advice for outdoor activity, this has not been included in the latest iteration of the guidance, but we are working with Welsh Government & Sport Wales on this and will update the sector as soon as possible.

In addition, the First Minister announced on Friday 9th October 2020 that the Welsh Government intends to amend the regulations to allow children to travel outside of local lockdown areas to participate in organised sport.  Welsh Government are in the process of finalising changes to the regulations and these will come into force once the regulations are published and enacted.  At present it remains the case that travel to participate in sport is not permitted for any person of any age subject to local lockdown, unless they have health reasons (such as disability) to access specific facilities.  We will inform members of when the changes will be implemented, and to what age groups it will apply as soon as possible.

The WSA continue to provide support and advocate on behalf of our members across the sport and leisure industry in Wales. 

If you are a member of the WSA and would like to be added to our Advocacy Groups including the Phased Return to Sport groups, please contact the team via the WSA Contact form.  If you would like to become a WSA member to receive the latest information and support for the sport and leisure industry in Wales, please complete the WSA membership application form

The latest Welsh Government guidance for Sport, recreation and leisure can be found via the Sport, recreation and leisure: guidance for a phased return link and you can also subscibe to the WSA newsletter for News & sector Vacancies.

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