WCVA – Shape Your Future!

WCVA – Shape Your Future!

In our fast changing world, a key challenge facing third sector groups is to build our resilience and to make ourselves fit for the future.

WCVA are looking for up to 30 third sector organisations from across Wales, from grass roots community groups to national charities, social enterprises and volunteer groups to take part in two sessions that will:

  • Identify the key drivers for change for the third sector in Wales over the coming 10 years
  • Explore potential future scenarios and what we can do to shape a positive future

The first session will take place from 10am to 4pm 1 July in Cardiff.

The second session will take place from 10am to 4pm on 8 July and you can join from Rhyl, Aberystwyth and Cardiff.

To register a place, please complete the booking form and return to [email protected].

If you can’t take part in the sessions, please look out for our series of regular online questions that will be running alongside the sessions.

Do you work in a voluntary sector organisation whose work supports young people aged 14-18 to engage or remain engaged in education, training and employment?

The Welsh Government has commissioned Cordis Bright to undertake a national mapping exercise to gather information about voluntary sector provision that can support young people aged 14-18 to engage or remain engaged with education, training and employment (ETE).

Cordis Bright would like you to share information about your organisation with us.

  • Please complete an online questionnaire at: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/ETEmap.
  • The deadline for completing the questionnaire is 5pm on Sunday 17 July 2016.
  • For further information on this consultations, please download one of the following documents:

Cordis Bright Survey (Eng)              Cordis Bright Survey (Cym)

If you’d like to receive information when new consultations are announced, please contact us at the office to register your interest

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