WSA Advocacy: Coronavirus Update – 8 August 2021

WSA Advocacy: Coronavirus Update – 8 August 2021

 The First Minister has confirmed that Wales has moved to full Alert Level 0, starting Saturday 7 August.

This means that most current legal restrictions have moved into guidance, however there do remain some specific legal protections which are listed below:

  • Everyone must continue to isolate for 10 days if they have Covid-19 symptoms or if they have a positive test result.
  • Face coverings will continue to be required in most indoor public places in Wales, including on public transport, in shops and in healthcare settings. There will be exemptions for people who cannot wear them, as there are currently. Guidance notes this includes gyms and leisure centres outside of exercise.
  • All those responsible for premises open to the public and workplaces must carry out a Covid risk assessment and continue to take reasonable measures to minimise the risk of exposure to coronavirus. Reasonable measures are defined by each premises in their risk assessment, and guidance is available below.

The Welsh Government press release is here:

Guidance for the public, employers and FAQs are available here:

Also announced, from Saturday 7th August those who have received two doses of the vaccine will no longer be expected to self-isolate if they are a close contact with an infected person.

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