How Sport:80 can help with communications

How the Sport:80 platform can help with communications

Sport:80 are the UK’s leading sports business management technology provider and have been partners with the WSA since 2018.

The article below, from Jack Waddingham Sport:80’s Communications & Campaign Manager, talks through how communications preferences are managed within the Sport:80 platform. It also covers how this useful feature can be combined with Campaign Manager to improve communications, save time and support data protection compliance for your organisation.

Within the platform, users can manage their communications preferences at any time from their profile. Your organisation also has the ability to manage the different communications options that users can select from. This could include communications about your events, education programmes, elite squads or messages from your commercial partners.

It’s a great way to ensure users are only receiving the types of communications they want, and for many of you it will help support compliance with data protection regulations.

But did you know that communications preferences can also be used to create mailing lists?

Many organisations in the Sport:80 Community are combining the communications preferences feature with Campaign Manager, the email marketing tool. This allows them to create mailing lists from member data and share it to Campaign Manager where they design, distribute and analyse email marketing campaigns.

The mailing lists also have some great features, including:

Highly targeted mailing lists

You can use the advanced filter tool in the platform to create your mailing lists, meaning you can target very specific segments of your membership. For example, maybe you want to target people with a certain type of membership in a certain part of the country with a very specific type of communication.

Linking directly to personal preferences

When creating mailing lists, you can stipulate what communication preference it is linked to. In turn, the platform will look at the preferences of each individual on the list and remove those that have specified they don’t want to receive that type of communication.

Mailing lists that automatically update

You can create ‘dynamic’ mailing lists which update when the data changes in the platform. So, if a bunch of new members join, or people update their communications preferences, the changes will be automatically applied to your mailing lists.

To speak to Jack about the functions and features of Sport:80, please contact him on the e-mail below:
Jack Waddingham [email protected]

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