We need to address inequalities across South Wales, according to the newly appointed Chair of the Central South Active Partnership.

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Mar 09 2023


10:00 am - 12:30 pm

Collections, Significance and the Strategic Framework for Sporting Heritage

An online opportunity to help inform delivery of the Strategic Framework for Sporting Heritage of Wales to 2025 . The session will focus on:

  • Collections
  • The Significance model
  • Digital preservation

A team from Sporting Heritage CIC will facilitate discussions about these themes – Dr Justine Reilly (Director), Fran Stovold (Workforce Development Lead) and Russell Todd (Wales Co-ordinator).

Please note that there is another opportunity on 23 March, in a face-to-face setting in Newport, to look at elements of the Framework related to engagement, diversity and communities . You are welcome to sign up for either session or both. Details here.

You can view the Strategic Framework here.

Cyfle ar-lein i helpu datblygu cyflawni’r Fframwaith Strategol ar gyfer Treftadaeth Chwaraeon Cymru hyd at 2025. Bydd y sesiwn yun canolbwyntio ar :

  • Casgliadau yng Nghymru
  • Y fodel Arwyddocâd
  • Cadwraeth ddigidol

Bydd tîm o Sporting Heritage CIC yn hwyluso sgyrsiau am y themâu hyn – Dr Justine Reilly (Cyfarwyddwr), Fran Stovold (Arweinydd Datblygu’r Gweithlu) a Russell Todd (Cydlynydd Cymru).

Nodwch bod cyfle arall ar 23 Mawrth, yng nghyd-destun wyneb-i-wyneb yng Nghasnewydd, i edrych ar elfennau’r Fframwaith ynglÅ·n ag ymgysylltiad, amrywioldeb a chymunedau. Mae croeso i chi ymuno ag un sesiwn neu’r ddwy. Manylion yma.

Gallwch chi edrych ar y Fframwaith Strategol yma


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