We need to address inequalities across South Wales, according to the newly appointed Chair of the Central South Active Partnership.

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Mar 23 2023


10:30 am - 2:30 pm

Taking forward the Strategic Framework for Sporting Heritage in Wales

This is an in person opportunity for all with an interest in the sporting heritage of Wales, especially clubs, sports associations, governing bodies, and history/heritage groups, to help inform delivery of the Strategic Framework for Sporting Heritage of Wales to 2025 by looking at themes such as:

  • Engagement
  • Diversity
  • Communities
  • National Sporting Heritage Day (30 September)

A team from Sporting Heritage will facilitate discussions about the themes above – Dr Justine Reilly (Director), Fran Stovold (Workforce Development Lead) and Russell Todd (Wales Co-ordinator).

Lunch will be provided.

You can view the Strategic Framework here.


We are grateful to Welsh Government for enabling us to offer bursaries to volunteers to help with travel expenses in getting to Newport for this event. Email [email protected] to apply for a bursary.

Dyma gyfle wyneb-i-wyneb i bawb sydd gan ddiddordeb mewn treftadaeth chwaraeon Cymru, yn arbennig o glybiau, cymdeithasau chwaraeon, cyrff llywodraethu a grwpiau hanes/treftadaeth, i helpu datblygu cyflawni’r Fframwaith Strategol ar gyfer Treftadaeth Chwaraeon Cymru hyd at 2025 gan fwrw golwg ar themâu megis:

  • Ymgysylltiad
  • Amrywioldeb
  • Cymunedau
  • Diwrnod Treftadaeth Chwaraeon Cenedlaethol (30 Medi)

Bydd tîm Sporting Heritage yn hwyluso sgyrsiau am y themâu uchod – Dr Justine Reilly (Cyfarwyddwr), Fran Stovold (Arweinydd Datblygu’r Gweithlu) a Russell Todd (Cydlynydd Cymru).

Darperir cinio.

Gallwch chi edrych ar y Fframwaith Strategol yma


Rydym ni’n ddiolchgar i Lywodraeth Cymru am ein galluogi ni i gynnig bwrsariaethau i wirfoddolwyr i helpu gyda’u treuliau teithio i gyrraedd Casnewydd am y digwyddiad yma. Ebostiwch [email protected] i ymgeisio am fwrsariaeth.


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Team Manager 1 – Online WSA Lunchtime Learning – Helping you Get on With Life (Personal Financial Planning) Team Manager 2 – Online Mental Health Awareness Course (3hours) Creating an Inclusive Culture in Sport – FREE member Networking Breakfast Taking forward the Strategic Framework for Sporting Heritage in Wales