PPE & Signage for the Sporting Sector in Wales

The WSA teams up with Morgans Consult for PPE & Signage for the Sporting sector in Wales

Morgans Consult are signage & brand implementation specialists with over 20 years of experience in designing, manufacturing and installing a wide range of bespoke signage.

Most recently Morgans Consult has been utilising its capabilities to manufacture full face visors for the Coronavirus effort. Currently they have donated over 1,500 full face visors free of charge to the NHS in Wales & England.

As well as manufacturing the full face visors they have had many calls from long-standing clients who required solutions in order to temporarily close their operations, or safely keep their organisations running. Morgans Consult rapidly developed a range of products to help with the pandemic including;

  • Personal door opener handle
  • Protection Screens ‘Sneeze Screens’
  • Social Distancing floor graphics
  • Health & Safety notice signs

Morgans Consult has been involved in many video conferences with clients discussing their personal challenges and how they plan to re-open in the coming weeks. Recently they have been involved with Golf Wales to develop a specific range of products, to be adopted by golf courses to enable them to re-open safely. Over the next few weeks & months Morgans Consult will be helping many companies re-open their doors to both staff and public alike in the retail, manufacturing, healthcare & hospitality sectors and are happy to help and advise on the products they provide to help facilitate this.

The demand for essential products during this period has enabled Morgans Consult to keep their business safely operational and also ensure a consistent supply of a number of key materials, such as clear acrylic (sneeze screens) and floor graphic (social distancing markers), allowing them to provide a reliable supply to the market.

Morgans Consult has been working safely whilst following the Government’s advice on safe working and social distancing. Every week they are safely re-introducing more staff to deal with the increasing requests. Morgans Consult have also recently been provided key worker passes by the Government to allow them to attend essential surveys and installation projects, which is recognition of their contributions during this difficult time.

Following discussions with the team, Morgans Consult is willing to offer a 20% discount on all pricing for WSA members, to help with their requirements for a phased return to sport and activity.

Please note that it has been predicted that stock levels of certain products may run out in the UK during the next couple of months so it is worth considering this when planning re-openings.

In order to access the WSA 20% member discount, please log-in to your WSA account to view. If you have any questions, please contact the team at Morgans Consult alternatively you can visit the workplace virus protection shop here

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