Non-Executive Director & Senior Leadership Training
The WSA, with the support of Vibrant Nation and the GLFW programme will be launching a series of training for Non-Executive Directors and Senior Leaders, commencing in September 2021.
The first in this series will focus on the Role of a Director and The Board – designed for those that are new to being an NED / CEO and useful for those that have been an NED in a different sector.
This 2 hour session, will cover:
- The legal duties of Directors under Company and Charity Law
- Build an understanding of the landscapes and stakeholders that influence how sport and physical activity are delivered
- Ensure directors are clear on the role of the board and their responsibilities, in particular, matters reserved for the board
- Consider how the duties and responsibilities are applied in the context of a sports body.
The cost of attending the course will be £40.00 for WSA members and £80.00 for non WSA members. It is possible for discretionary funding to be provided to cover the cost of this course for beneficiaries of the GLFW programme, if affordability is an issue. Please make this request when booking onto the course.
To view booking terms and conditions, click here