How Traveleads’ technology can provide BIG benefits to sports clubs and organisations

Travel technology has come on in leaps and bounds over the last decade, enabling travel companies to develop various reliable self-booking options for their clients.

UK travel management company  ‘Traveleads’  has always charted ahead of the curve, maintaining a commitment to delivering state-of-the-art travel solutions. Recent research carried out by Traveleads identified that many sporting organisations and clubs think that self-booking means going it alone – spending hours trawling price comparison websites or booking via self-book tools that are not fit for purpose.

Traveleads’ Marketing Manager David Walsh said:

“We are constantly being approached by new clubs and organisations who are telling us that they previously felt unsupported when it came to self-booking – this should never be the case!  As the largest provider of travel services to UK governing bodies of sport we provide our customers with self-book technology tailored to their requirements, along with interactive and easy to understand training on how to use it.”

Using an online booking tool isn’t the same as booking via the internet.  Partnering with Traveleads provides you with access to special industry rates and net fares.  Their self-booking system has been designed to automatically find the most cost effective options, providing many organisations with truly impartial travel solutions.  It tracks travel spend and enables finance teams to capture this data quickly and accurately and also charges all transactions to a central account – so no credit cards are required.

With all of your team and individual travel pre-paid and fully bonded, confirmations, electronic tickets and vouchers can be sent directly to your traveller’s mobile devices, via the Traveleads app – which takes just seconds to download.

This technology offers the freedom to check availability, save items to a basket, obtain authorisation and then book all of your travel elements including: flights, rail, accommodation, transfers, car-parking, and much more – in one straightforward single transaction.  For your added protection, Traveleads only allow authorised users to make bookings, ensuring that all reservations are compliant with your company travel policy.  Try finding an online travel comparison website that can offer all that!

Phil Whitney, Head of Online Implementation confirmed:

“Our self-booking tool has been designed to be user friendly, and simple to use.  Developed by tech-people for travel-people, because we want you to love it as much as we do …after all, our technology becomes your technology!

What really sets our self-booking tool apart from the competition is our fully comprehensive implementation process. We ensure everything is fully trialled and tested by our Technical Systems Manager before we put you in the driving seat. Support is readily available should you need it, and all of our clients have access to our 24hr emergency assistance team.  Our online support crew are available to speak with you and answer any questions you might have during office hours, so at no point will you ever feel on your own!”

For more information on how your club, team or organisation can benefit from partnering with Traveleads, please contact Eric Edwards at Traveleads on: 0113 242 2022 or visit

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