Innovative digital engagement across sport and physical activity

Innovative digital engagement across sport and physical activity

The inherently social and interpersonal nature of sport and physical activity means that the Covid-19 crisis has posed significant barriers to those in the sporting community. Over the past few months, the sport sector has had to quickly adapt in order to both survive and keep people active. Many clubs, coaches and facilities have turned to digital solutions, with perhaps the most prominent example being the explosion of virtual fitness classes and coaching sessions.

Clubs and NGB’s across Wales are continuing to come up with hugely innovative ways to engage with their members, whether it be RYA Cymru holding the first ever Welsh e-Sailing Championship, or the Welsh Chess Union developing the 4 Nations Chess League Online or Welsh Athletics and Cardiff Games launching the Inter-Schools Virtual Competitions.   

Baton Twirling Association Cymru (BTAC) have responded to the challenges of Covid-19 by creating a training App for its members. As a relatively new sport in Wales, Baton Twirling is heavily reliant on coaching staff from other countries to increase the ability levels across its members. Traditional sports hall training has subsequently not been possible in the face of lockdown and social distancing.

Whilst online training sessions have been held in effort to keep the Welsh twirling community connected, the App provides extra flexibility by enabling members to train when and where they want. Members are able to re-watch videos, pick up where they left off and explore different aspects of twirling. Training videos have been sent from athletes around the world (including world champions!) who wanted to support the development of the sport in Wales, allowing members to take part in international training sessions, albeit from the safety of their own home.

As well as being a valuable training tool, The App also allows members to keep in touch with friends and includes the latest news and Covid-19 advice from BTAC, and so has become an information portal for individuals and member clubs. Moving forward, it is hoped that the App can also be used to reduce social isolation for children and young people in rural communities.  It will mean they can self-train with some support and will not need a local team to be able to enjoy Baton Twirling.

These are some of the innovative examples of how the sporting community is thinking outside the box in order to fill the huge sporting void felt in so many of our lives.

There is a range of digital support available from the WSA and partners that’ll support this innovative drive, specifically Orchard who are able to offer innovative solutions in immersive technology, including VR & AR; and Sport:80 who are continually updating their platform to deliver added value to membership communities. Further information can be found here:

Please also note that Spindogs are currently offering free training sessions, including SEO, PPC & analytics sessions; this is a great opportunity to provide some CPD in a digital context for WSA members, the sessions are available via the website.

Also if you’re a WSA member and would like to take advantage of a free SEO audit and a free website audit, please get in touch.

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