WSA Members Enjoy up to 25% Reduction in Their Insurance Policies Under New Deal

Over the next two weeks, we’ll be taking a look at her the new WSA Insurance Deal, the first collaborative service to be launched by the WSA for its members, is shaping up.
This week we’re profiling Integro’s Richard Brice. Integro is the official Insurance Broker to the WSA, read on to find out how they are offering up to 25% of savings for WSA members.

Richard Brice, Integro

Are you pleased with the uptake that your WSA sponsorship has provided so far? 
Certainly, I know that there has been a great response from the number of national governing bodies that we’ve engaged with so far and they’ve been terrifically helpful in sending the correct information through and enabling us to save money and improve cover for them. Obviously we’re just at the tip of the iceberg here but in the first quarter of our inaugural partnership year, we’ve already secured seven out of the 60 NGBs members of the WSA and are making great strides to review many other policies this year.

What are you finding are the typical savings you’ve been able to offer WSA members?
The average that we’re getting is around 13% at the moment, however, there have been savings of around 25% which is a terrific saving in premium and the good thing is we’re not stinting on cover, we’re just improving savings and making sure the cover is appropriate for the particular sport or National Governing Body involved.

Are there any other schemes or projects on the horizon with the WSA and Integro?
Yes, we’re currently in the development stage of creative an insurance product specifically designed for sports coaches, in partnership with the WSA to ensure they’re correctly covered and make sure there is the contingency if any of them get injured whilst coaching their particular sport.

Is there anything else that has struck you from your time with WSA so far?
I’m terrifically enthused by how it’s been going so far and I think that is certainly reflected in the way that the executive team has approached the partnership. They’ve made sure that Integro have been given the systems to get the job done and to increase the income stream for the Welsh Sport Association and its members.

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