Latest on Easing of COVID-19 restrictions in Wales – WSA Update

A WSA update on the relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions in Wales

First Minister Mark Drakeford has today revealed that the Welsh Government plan to “gradually” relax COVID-19 restrictions in Wales. The latest restraints were put in place to tackle the concerning spread of the Omicron variant, although look to be being removed as cases experience a “rapid decline”.  

Drakeford cited the success of the booster campaign as a major factor in Wales’ ability to think about easing restrictions. Over 1.8 million doses of the booster had been provided by January 13, representing 81% of those eligible for one.  

“Over the next two weeks we can gradually and carefully lift the level of protections we’ve needed over the Christmas and the New Year period because, from a public health perspective, it will be then safe to do so,” the First Minister said. 

“What we are seeing is a very rapid decline of the number of cases in Wales… backed up by other measures we are seeing in Wales;, that’s what gives us the space to be able to lift some of the protections we’ve had and it’s because of those protections that we are in the more benign position that we are in today,” Drakeford concluded.  

Depending on Coronavirus cases remaining low, the Welsh Government reportedly plan to set out a four-step process in order to return to Alert Level 0.  

The proposed timeline of the easing of COVID-19 restrictions in Wales

The planned process will be as follows: 

  • Saturday 15 January: Numbers allowed to attend an outdoor event will rise from 50 to 500. 
  • Friday 21 January: Crowds allowed to return to sporting events, paving the way for rugby Six Nations full houses in Cardiff, and no limits on those attending outdoor events. 
  • Friday 28 January: Nightclubs can reopen and hospitality allowed to operate normally, although Covid passes will still be required for large events, plus cinemas, nightclubs and theatres. 
  • Thursday 10 February: Wales returns to a three-week review cycle as the country is at alert level 0. 

You can find the Welsh Government’s press release in English here, and in Welsh here

The WSA will continue to provide support and guidance to the sport & leisure sector in Wales. There are some resources for organisations, facilities, clubs and individuals to consider here. #Dontdroptheball 

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